The Distance Between Us: How Going to Bed Together Can Improve Your Relationship
Relationships thrive on closeness - emotionally, mentally, and physically. But in today’s busy world, many couples find themselves drifting apart, not just emotionally but physically as well. A common factor that can contribute to this distance is having different sleep schedules. If your partner often comes to bed after you’re fast asleep and leaves before you wake up, it can create a sense of disconnection that impacts intimacy.

Cortisol Face: How Stress Affects Your Appearance and Why Mental Well-Being is Key
The term “cortisol face” has been buzzing in the beauty and wellness industry recently, and for good reason. Cortisol, often referred to as the "stress hormone," plays a major role in how stress manifests physically—especially on our faces. From puffiness and acne to dull skin and premature aging, the effects of prolonged cortisol production can impact not only how we feel but also how we look.

Challenging the Wellness Industry: Insights from Psychotherapist Jennifer Cox
In a recent thought-provoking article published in The Psychologist, psychotherapist Jennifer Cox boldly addresses the often-overlooked complexities of mental health care, challenging the simplistic solutions frequently offered by the wellness industry. Titled "No, I Don't Want to be Sent on a Yoga Retreat," Cox's piece dives deep into the misalignment between mainstream wellness trends and the nuanced needs of individuals dealing with mental health issues.

Gut Health and Mental Well-Being: How Your Digestive System Influences Your Mind
In recent years, the connection between gut health and mental well-being has become a significant focus in the wellness industry, particularly for women. Research suggests that the state of our gut can profoundly impact our mental health, influencing everything from mood and stress levels to cognitive function and overall emotional well-being.